Psychic Protection – energetic ways to keep your self and your home safe Jane Alexander Energy, Spirituality May 15, 2015
Gomasio, pomegrates and ras-al-hanout – cooking for mind, body and soul Jane Alexander Energy, Food and Drink, Seasonal Living March 26, 2014
Kichadi and ghee recipes for autumn ayurveda detoxing Jane Alexander Detoxing, Food and Drink, Seasonal Living September 30, 2014
Buddha bowl – the world in a meal Jane Alexander Blog, Food and Drink, New, nutrition November 20, 2015
New, Ritual, Seasonal Living / October 27, 2020 Hallowe’en/Samhain – pulling back the veil between the worlds View Post
New, Seasonal Living, Spirituality / October 29, 2020 Are you psychic? Discovering the hidden part of your mind View Post