Dr Doug Bremner on Accutane, psychosis, Big Pharma & your health Jane Alexander Health, Psychology February 8, 2012
Tazeka Aromatherapy – a dose of optimism, balance and motivation in shiny pretty bottles! Jane Alexander Beauty, Energy, Health, Inspiration, Mindfulness & Wellbeing, Natural Therapies, Psychology March 5, 2015
Yoga isn’t just for skinny bunnies. Yoga isn’t a style thing. Yoga is for every body. Jane Alexander Blog, Clothes, Weight Loss, Yoga April 19, 2015
Talking to strangers – the power of group therapy Jane Alexander New, Psychology, Relationships, Retreats June 3, 2019
Books, Earthspirit, Food and Drink, Seasonal Living / November 10, 2013 The Hedgerow Handbook by Adele Nozedar View Post