Brene Brown on the Power of Vulnerability Jane Alexander Love & Emotion, Mind Games, Psychology, Relationships February 24, 2012
Brain gym – simple exercises for a better mind and body Jane Alexander Health, Natural Therapies, Parenting, Psychology July 5, 2011
Stubborn stomach fat & the stress factor Jane Alexander Detoxing, Food and Drink, nutrition, The Overload Solution, Weight Loss June 18, 2014
Abstainer or Moderator? The One Square of Chocolate a Day Test Jane Alexander Food and Drink, Mind Games, Psychology, Weight Loss April 1, 2015
WHO says we should cut sugar – but is it enough? Jane Alexander Food and Drink, Health, Parenting March 5, 2015
Energy, Health, Natural Therapies, New, Spirituality / June 7, 2019 Sound healing – vibration, energy, frequency View Post