Ten dramatic ways to reduce overload overnight Jane Alexander Psychology, The Overload Solution January 25, 2016
Smudging – clear your home, your aura, your life Jane Alexander Energy, Health, House and garden, Natural Therapies, Ritual, Shamanism, Spirit of the Home, Spirituality February 4, 2015
The Hedgerow Handbook by Adele Nozedar Jane Alexander Books, Earthspirit, Food and Drink, Seasonal Living November 10, 2013
The fine art of bathing Jane Alexander Beauty, Health, Home Spa, Natural Therapies, New, Seasonal Living, Spas, Spirit of the Home, Weekend Healer May 30, 2019
Beauty, Natural Therapies, Spirituality / February 24, 2010 Annee de Mamiel: the nourishing touch View Post