Testament (Or, Homage to Walt Whitman) Jane Alexander Blog, Creativity, Inspiration, Love & Emotion, Mind Games June 3, 2016
What is a beach-ready bikini body, really? Jane Alexander Agony Answers, Fitness, Psychology May 12, 2015
Breakfast – how to super-power your start to the day Jane Alexander Blog, Energy, Fitness, Food and Drink, Health August 19, 2013
Crystal wand healing with Nicki Hughes Jane Alexander Blog, Detoxing, Energy, Natural Therapies, Shamanism, Spirituality September 25, 2012
Health, Natural Therapies, Parenting / June 2, 2009 Easing the summer misery of hayfever & allergies View Post
Natural Therapies, Psychology / January 18, 2016 Depression – unraveling the mysteries of the black dog View Post