Sometimes it’s the silly little simple things that make life bearable. Right now the macro picture of my life isn’t working too well, and it’s all too easy to sink into the doldrums or bang my head in sheer frustration against the deck. Then along comes the sun and it’s the weekend, and silly little tiny things are good.
It’s just me and James home this weekend and we both have a tendency to lie-a-bed laziness. With 6.30am starts all through the week, it was sheer bliss to curl up and read in bed with a mug of tea after twelve straight hours of heavenly oblivion.
Breakfast. My total favourite breakfast is protein pancakes. So simple. Just mix a little buckwheat flour and pea protein with an egg and some almond milk. Beat it all up (no matter if there are a few lumps, they seem to come out in the cook). Heat up some coconut oil and fry little dollops so you can build up a stack. I smear some almond butter inbetween the layers and top it all off with some dry roasted seeds. James chose to have his with lime and syrup. It’s a moveable feast and a good, filling one. Big thanks to the Body Retreat for the inspiration!
Dan likes this spot on the sofa gazing out the window. This little dog brings so very much joy into my life that I breathe a deep sigh of gratitude that James picked him out and fought so hard to bring him into our lives.
Next up we do some cleaning. Years back, when I stayed with my brother in the US, Saturday mornings were for cleaning the house. If everyone does their bit, it isn’t such a chore. James got the vacuum, I got the mop. We put on some good music and it wasn’t too painful.
Dog walking. This time it was up the lane at the back of the house and towards Court Down and the trig point. This is lowdown, just past the old school, and you can see our house nestling behind the pink one – the long one with two roofs and the spinney above the wall to the right. Yes, it’s still for sale for anyone who might fancy a dose of Exmoor life.
A little bit of work, then lunch. A bit of clearing in the garden. Then, as the sun fades and the afternoon starts to stretch itself towards evening, we will get in the logs and light up the fire. I will wrap myself in the snuggly throw (thank you again, dear Sandie!) and probably stick my nose in a book. Today I’m reading this…and it’s pretty good.
So, nothing spectacular, nothing wild and exciting. Just little moments of ordinariness made special by noticing and appreciating them. Sometimes it’s all you can do. And it’s fine, just fine.
And I’m put in mind of this, from Desiderata: “With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.” And then, blow me down, what does it say but, “Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.” Be cheerful? Gotta laugh, huh?